

multimediale Lernwelten
Hybrid Learning
l Table of Contents l


“In the 21st century, those employees who are in the most demand are those who are experts in the integration of several disciplines. It will depend on one's personal reputation and skills as what determines whether someone is inviting to be a player in a glowing global world". (William Knoke, Kühne neue Welt, Leben in der “placeless society“ des 21. Jahrhunderts [ Brave new world , Life in the “placeless society“ of the 21st century ].

The goal of my study is therefore to show that every child in the millennium generation can interlink classical education and media competence in order to meet the requirements of the information society. As a result, it was possible to develop a digital, student-centred, action-oriented and subject-integrating instructional model with the Papillion learning environments which has to do with the fusion of different media and areas of knowledge. The story especially developed for this purpose spans an arc from Antiquity to the present and into the universe and builds media competency from one of the most important cultural technologies of the 21 st century. Knowledge about the past, our cultural roots is thus adapted to the global thinking of an open society. In the classical sense, the traditional textdevelops a competence to make
